13 - 15 June 2022

Quantum Leaps for your Sales

I reveal why your mental programme (your paradigm) has almost exclusive control over your sales behaviour and your sales figures.

And how you can change it.

I share what my "game changer" was in my job as an international sales professional and how I acquired the very thinking that led me to amazing quantum leaps in my sales.

Becoming and being a New-Tought Sales Pro is a choice.

You are programmed to take logical steps. You have never thought of ignoring logic and boundaries when it comes to your sales numbers. And it is this very logic that keeps you trapped.

There is an art to goal setting - and most of the time we aim too small, too little, too low..... so we often lack the inspiration we need to take the foot off the brake.

I also explain to you why success is

5% strategy and 95% mindset.

And no blah-blah......

I will show you examples of how I have increased my sales by up to 400%. And with ease.

Who is the Masterclass for?

For sales professionals who are still operating (!) below their potential -

but deserve much more.

Join us on 13 - 15 June 2022

Quantum Leaps in your Sales-Thinking


....what a success control mechanism is - and why you need to know your inner ``thermostat`` if you want to sell and earn more.

Isn't it strange that we are stuck on a certain income level for years, or bring home the same monthly sales numbers that we can't seem to get beyond? you set yourself a sales target that really inspires you and almost knocks your socks off.

It's time to do away with the logic that makes us think we can only take tiny steps towards growth. It's time to ignore those limitations and aim for quantum leaps. your mental programme (your paradigm) has almost exclusively control over your sales figures.

Why is it that some salespeople who are less skilled than you always sell more than you? Success is not luck – it‘s a method - that is not taught in any sales seminar or in our schools. to become a radiant, open-hearted, trustworthy and creative salesperson.

Before we open our customer's heart (and their wallet) we may learn how to open our own heart to shine and attract customers.

Claudia Volz

I am Claudia Volz – I have been a passionate salesperson for almost 30 years. An open mind and interest in personal development as well as new, disruptive thinking led me to becoming a certified ProctorGallagherConsultant.

With Bob Proctor I found the exact plan I had unconsciously been following for many years (but with the foot on the brake), which led to my amazing quantum leaps with up to 400% increase in turnover.

My mentor Bob Proctor said to me: „Claudia, you can create your own economy“.
I learned from him how to turn my sales goals and aspirations into tangible reality. As a certified Proctor-Gallagher-Consultant it is my mission to teach you this „Thinking into Results“ programme in order to enable you to bring completely new sales increases into your life.

Everything begins, stands and falls with your thoughts and decisions.
Success is not luck, it is a method. It is based on clear rules. It’s a step-by-step formula for success, and you can learn this globally proven concept, too.

Being in Sales is the most beautiful job in the world.

I'm looking for salespeople who want to sell more, want to get better, who are hungry.

"If you really want to help someone who is hungry, don't hand them a fish, teach them how to fish“

How you achieve your sales numbers doesn't matter - the only thing that matters is RESULTS. And that's what „Thinking Into Results“ is all about.
Much more than salesmanship, much more than mental training.

I discovered something that has nothing to do with arguments, CRM, trade fair behaviour, reports or statistics, but only with the way you THINK.

Reserve your seat

13 - 15 June 2022

Erik Leung Shun

My world has completely changed since I joined Thinking Into Results. 18 months before, I was earning 80k€ per annum. Currently, I am earning 186k per annum. I am now in a far better position to create multiple income streams. I am creating a springboard for my kids when they are ready to leave the nest and face the world. I am also supporting my parents because their traditional pensions are not covering everything.
Claudia is at the center of the TIR space. She is extremely caring and supportive throughout this journey of self-discovery and transformation. Having gone through the journey herself several times she can relate to the feelings and obstacles you might have. Her drive to serve people and to create a world where people can thrive shows in every interaction with her. Whether it is a phonecall, a WhatsApp message, a group Zoom call, etc you always feel her warmth and support.

The great thing about TIR is that the knowledge, practices, and connections you gain, will never go away and you can keep applying the process over and over, so the journey is not a line where you go from A to B, but rather it is a journey where you are spiraling upwards one round at a time. I am so excited to see what else I can achieve.

Gabi Morawski

Wow, there was this radiant woman, I saw her in an interview. I heard her talk about her incredible sales successes. And listened spellbound. In the middle of the night. And what should I say? I booked. I wanted to know her secret and it was soooo worth it. Working with Claudia is so warm and enriching. Jump if you want different sales results. You’ve come to the right place with Claudia.

Nadin Bozorgzadeh

Dear Claudia, the journey with you to bigger, more distant shores was/is amazing! You opened my eyes to what is possible when I allow myself not only to set my big goals but also to bring these images to life within me; to feel, smell and taste them, and to be able to call them up again and again. I am amazed at the ease with which things come to me and the wonderful moments and opportunities that present themselves to me „just like that“. I am so thankful for you and your always uplifting and encouraging words. Thank you for your pictures of the „buffet“, the many doors behind which new delights keep opening up and the knowledge that I am free to refuse one or the other delicacy – AND that there will always be other, more suitable things waiting for me to discover them.

Carlos Eduardo Ospina Rodríguez

Agradezco de todo corazón la confianza, el liderazgo y el soporte de Claudia por medio de este programa Thinking into Results que ha cambiado mi forma de pensar. Al principio no fue fácil porque mi mente y cuerpo se resistían a cambiar debido que me dejaba influenciar fácilmente por el ambiente que me rodeaba, ahora, estoy cerca cada vez más de llegar a mi meta siendo totalmente consciente que si elijo la actitud correcta y el amor como elemento transformador mi vida puede tener un cambio positivo con un gran impacto en las personas que me rodean.
Con todo mi cariño y respeto para mi gran amiga, Claudia.

I sincerely appreciate Claudia’s trust, leadership, and support through this „Thinking into Results program“ that has changed my way of thinking. At first, it was not easy because my mind and body were resistant to change as I allowed myself to be easily influenced by the environment surrounding me. Now, I am getting closer to reaching my goal being fully aware that if I choose the right attitude and love as a transforming element my life can have a positive change with a great impact on the people around me.
With all my love and respect for my great friend, Claudia.

Saskia Rheiner

The „Thinking Into Results“ mentoring with Claudia is one of the most intensive and sustainable programs that I know – and I’ve really dealt with a lot of topics in this area. I found out who I really am and how to set inspiring goals!

You learn a great deal about yourself as a human being, how you can change your thoughts and paradigms, your entire inner being.

I particularly appreciate having Claudia by my side as a coach, who gives me answers to questions that I can’t find myself and who catches me when I’m unsure about taking the next step or are in my own way.

It’s great to be there and I’m looking forward to everything that’s still possible. I can only recommend everyone to do the TIR program with Claudia – it’s incredible what she does! Thank you!